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to accounting treatment

已有 624 次阅读2011-4-27 09:10 |个人分类:Red High Heels| Ferragamo Shoes

ent. In this deadline, in order to accounting treatment still should be based on the going-concern assumption. Otherwise, accounting recognition and measurement, records, report work cannot. Three, accounting periodicity assumption Accounting assumptions phases of accounting subject "shall refer to a sustainable business process created subjectively for continuous, equal installments accounting operating results during its financial situation, regularly report fluctuant circumstance. In the InteSalvatore Ferragamornet age, the emergence of electronic online real-time report, on the one hand we can make enterprise at any point can will have happen economic transactions and events reflected in financial reporting, on the other hand, it can make the information users don't have to wait for the accounting period ends when just get the financial report, but recently make the information users can from the Internet anywhere at any time get the latest financial report, so that many people think accounting perioCheap Christian Louboutind was not the value of existence, the traditional accounting periodicity assumption has been challenged. The purpose of the accounting assumptions phases have two: one is to use accounting periodicity to accounting information to reflect; The other is based on accounting periodicity of profits for distribution and calculation. On the first point role through electronic online real-time like can report to solve, without the need for accounting assumptions phases; But the second point is the role Ferragamo Outletof accounting staging main effect, unless the distribution of the profits are real time otherwise accounting period should not be under the existence of any questioning. The emergence of electronic online real-time report and never waver on economic matters of the financial accounting recognition and measurement foundation, the economic matters including the recognition and measurement of the income and expenses of natural recognition and measurement. But accounting assumptions phases of income Red High Heelsand expenses is the cornerstone of the recognition and measurement. Say so, electronic online real-time the content of the report is still based on accounting assumptions phases and other accounting basic assumptions of accounting data processing, electronic online real-time report just a kind of information, it doesn't affect the way reported submitted information produced and processing methods, in order to accounting information for the processing and report the real-time basis of negative acFerragamo Shoescounting periodicity, essentially the timely submit confused the information with the information processing principle relationship. Accounting staging is comparable based, whether internal principle of users or external users report using accounting information for decision analysis, this will involve the comparison of accounting information, including transverse comparison and longitudinal comparison, this requires subsection of accounting period, so accounting assumptions phases is indispensaChristian Louboutin Outlet

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